Wednesday, July 11, 2007

More Pictures from our Wedding Registration 070707!!!

Pic with family with my eyes closed!!Please sign!!!!

50 monks to bless 5o couples!

We got Lion Dance!

The Walk to Asoka Hall

Plenty of Admirers!!
We got Horse Carriage as well...
Definitely not our choice...
My good friend Wai Loon offering advice on how the Groom should pose...

The Smiles say it all!!!!

Our Assigned Monk!!
VIP Datuk Ong Tee Keat and Chief Reverend
The Patient Press waiting for us!!!

Pei Wee next to the KUAH Lady!!

The Famous Shot!!
Look up!!
I am so lucky to have a beautiful wife!
The Bride's Family
The Groom's Helpful Cousin & Hubby
The Groom's Lunch Crashers!!
The Groom's Family

Registration 070707 at Maha Vihara Temple

The Eagles have landed! We managed to register for the 070707 auspicious date at Maha Vihara Temple in Brickfields at the nick of time (1 week to be exact). We are 1 of the 50 Lucky Couples who got married that day. It was a wonderful and splendid event. (Special Thanks to the organizers)

We started our day early (5.30 am), lack of sleep but excitedly ENERGIZED! Got the make-up, dressing and traffic management done at 3 different locations; but also to ensure that we arrived as "The Celebrity Couple" of Maha Vihara by 8am. We got extensive press coverage from Sin Chew Jit Poh, Nanyang Siang Pau, The Star, NST, Guang Ming Daily, RTM, NTV7, 8TV, Astro... almost all lar)

Alex & Pei Wee